Tuesday 14 December 2010

Evaluation - Input of Group Members

Throughout the course of the production of our music video to 'The Scientist' by Coldplay, we divided the tasks between the four members of our group - Charlotte Thistle, Josh Timms, Mica Joseph and Emma Hart.  Below are links to each group member's participation in this production:

Charlotte Thistle
Josh Timms
Mica Joseph
Emma Hart

Monday 13 December 2010

Evaluation - Uses, Developments and Challenges of Real Media Products

"In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?"

By Charlotte Thistle

Evaluation - Media Technologies

"How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?"

By Josh Timms

Evaluation - Main and Ancillary Combination

"How effective was the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?"
By Mica Joseph

Evaluation - Audience Feedback Discussion

"What have you learnt from your audience feedback?"

By Emma Hart

Production - Main Product

The Scientist - Coldplay

Sunday 12 December 2010

Production - Image Bank

Below is a link to a page where all of the images we have used in our ancillary texts are displayed:
Image bank

Saturday 11 December 2010

Production - Ancillary 1, CD Case

Front Cover

The words 'The Scientist' and 'Coldplay' are displayed in medium-sized white and grey writing.  These colours were used because they are simple and neutral, reflecting the alternative genre of our song.  Grey and white also contrast the black background; this continues with the theme used on our magazine advert.  All of the colours used are black, white, grey and brown, reflecting the negative attitude portrayed in our video.

We used an image from our music video of our main character alone and isolated, playing the piano.  This was a relevant image to choose because loneliness, isolation and vulnerability were key themes in our video.


The spine of our CD case also continues with the black, white and grey theme that exists within both our ancillary texts; as I have mentioned, we feel this colour-scheme reflects our genre of music video.  A more hip-hop or pop style of song would suit bright, vibrant colours; however, the alternative genre is more portrayed by neutral colours.  Additionally, there is a deliberate element of 'dullness' - this is to convey the negativity and depression that is present within 'The Scientist'.

The spine has been kept very simple because its purpose is to tell the audience the name of album/single and the artist; no other detail is essential.  This is a way in which our CD case uses conventions of real media products.

Inside Front Cover

The inside front cover of our CD case displays lyrics from 'The Scientist'.  Many singles/albums have used this idea on their inside covers.  This is a way in which our CD case uses conventions of real media products.  Also, the lyrics of the song we have used are meaningful, and our music video follows the story which the song is trying to show.  George's girlfriend is dead, and he regrets that he never spent enough time with her.

We have, again, continued with the black and white theme, creating a sense of branding throughout our products.  The binary oppositions of black and white add to a sense of negativity, building upon what is already there in our music video.  Again, I will mention that the black and white reflects the alternative genre of music.

Inside Back Cover

We have edited an image from our music video, by formatting the colour to 'washout'.  This was effective as it allowed us to continue our theme of black, white and grey - adding to the negativity already portrayed and also displayed within our music video.  The text is in black to contrast the greyscale image.  The use of an image from our video creates branding because our CD case and main product are linked.

We noticed that real media products often displayed band members' names on the back inside cover, and we used this convention within our CD case.  We also added a couple of acknowledgements to the inside back cover as thanks to those who lended us equipment or locations to film in.

Back Cover

On the back cover of our CD case, we have included our 'CJME Productions' logo - this is also displayed on our magazine advertisement, which helps to create a sense of branding.  It also shows the audience about our company and will help us to sell other media products in the future.  The red colouring is utilised because it stands out from the black, white, grey and brown which have been used the through this ancillary text.
An image from our music video has been used which adds to the effect of loneliness and vulnerability as our main character is lost in a sea of darkness.  This is the effect we were aiming for because our music video is supposed to reflect negativity and depression.

Final Copy

Friday 10 December 2010

Production - Ancillary 2, Magazine Advert

Creation Process

"The End is Near" (the magazine article which we conducted our semiotic analysis on) gave us inspiration for the black background.

Black represents depression and grief; these are key elements within our music video.  George's girlfriend has recently passed away, and therefore both of these emotions are present.

White writing will conflict the black background: black and white are binary oppositions, which is the audience theory proposed by Claude Levi-Strauss.  Examples of these within our music video are: real time vs. flashbacks, colour vs. desaturation, and life vs. death.

"The Scientist" is centre aligned in order to draw the audience's attention towards it immediately.  The two words are, perhaps, the most important on the whole advert, as it is telling the audience what they are buying.

The writing is in white.  As I have mentioned above, black and white are binary oppositions and create the contrast that we were aiming to achieve.

"The Scientist" writing has been slightly blurred to impose an element of confusion and mystery.  This same confusion is continued in our music video; time and space is distorted through the use of flashbacks.

"CJME Productions" has been added to the bottom right-hand corner of the magazine advertisment.  This is the name of our production team, as it is the intials of our groups: Charlotte, Josh, Mica and Emma.

Red is the colour used because it is eye-catching and will stand out from the rest of the article.  It needs to stand out because companies need to promote themselves.

"CJME" is edited to -6 in terms of letter spacing.  This is because it is our personal logo and we wanted to be slightly unique instead of using standard 0 letter spacing.

As can be seen from the text that has been added, the CD will be out on 10th January 2011.

We decided to add a date when the CD was being released to the advertisement in order to add to the verismilitude of this ancillary text because it makes it more realistic.  Most CD adverts display the date which it is coming out to increase their sales, and we have used this media form in our ancillary text.

This text was displayed in white to contrast the black background; this also continues with the binary oppositions of black and white.  This theme is also conveyed within our CD cover, contributing to a sense of branding.

Final Product

A picture of our CD front cover has been added to the magazine advertisement.  This contributes to a sense of branding, as all of our products are linked together strongly and there will be a resemblance between the two.  This will help with the consumption branch of the 'production-distribution-consumption' triangle because, when our audience see our magazine advertisement, there will be association to the CD and they will be more likely to buy it.  Also, if the audience see the advert, they will recognise the CD when they see that.

Planning - CD Cover Inspiration

Sunday 10 October 2010

Monday 27 September 2010

Planning - Actors, Locations and Props Information

Planning - 3 Semiotic Analysis'

"Sleep Through the Static" - Jack Johnson CD Cover

The background colouring is red and white.  This has connotations of danger versus safety and innocence, two binary opposites.

As Jack Johnson is the only person on the CD cover, there is an element of isolation which represents vulnerability.  By being in a big open space and being a solo artist, he has to 'go it alone'.  His eyes are also closed which shows that he is in his own element and is oblivious to what is going on around him.

The writing of 'Jack Johnson' is in pure white to represent innocence.  However, because it is in hand writing style writing, it has an element of individualism and niche, the same as his music style.

The title of the album also conveys some sort of opposition - sleep and static are conflicting words.  'Sleep' is associated with goodness, whilst 'static' is associated with electricity, and danger.

The wire leading to Jack Johnson's guitar also trails to the outside world showing that, although he is alone on the CD cover and is a solo artist, his music is still reaching the world around him.

There is a 'shadow of doubt' looming in the corner, perhaps ready to cast a darkness upon him?

"Science and Faith" - The Script CD Cover
- Sepia background which suggests oldness.  This age could be a signifier of wisdom and knowledge of the world, which co-incides with the word 'science' in the title of the album

- Binary opposition of science and faith conveys a conflict, but as the hands are both united, it seems as though this conflict is rather peaceful and there is a pleasure about it, rather than a danger.

- S and T not completed fully on 'The Script', this helps to convey a piece of the puzzle missing, and it may represent that people look towards science and faith in order to find these missing answers.

- Background going from light to dark suggesting mystery.  The light could also represent the metaphorical 'light at the end of the tunnel', which is provided to people by science and faith.  These two elements often solve mysteries for many people.

- Of the two hands which are joined, one is male and one is female; the two genders are united.  This has links to science as it is this element which produces the differences, yet similarities, between males and females.

- White and tanned hand suggesting unity between cultures.  This is also linked to faith, because often people of different racial backgrounds have different faiths, but this image shows that this does not have to differentiate people, it can often be something which allows people to be united and celebrate their diversity.

"The End is Near" Magazine Article

- In the article, there is a noticable conflict between black and white; this is one of the binary oppositions used in Media Studies.  We gained inspiration for our CD cover from this juxtaposition and we have now decided to have an image of George playing the piano in black and white, with a spotlight shining upon him, whilst he is otherwise shrouded in darkness.

- Still on the theme of black and white, in this magazine advertisement, the black colours used cast shadows over the female character's eyes and face.  This is similar to a mask, as it does well in hiding her identity and creates a mysterious effect.  This will also be used on our CD cover.

- Within the advertisement, the tears represent sadnessw which, in this particular case signify heartbreak.  This is another key theme within our music video as George's girl friend has died and he is heartbroken, as well as grieving.  There will be a high usage of tears in "The Scientist".

- The advert is black around the edges which represents the idea that she is trapped inside and there is nothingness all around her.  There is no escape and this is why she feels claustrophobic and is upset with the current situation.

- What is more, the black around the edges also helps to advertise, not only the CD, but also their website which is called UrbanMuse.com - this is because the contrast between the black and the white is considerable, and it helps the text to stand out.

- "The End is Near", the title of the album, stands out in the advert due to the contrast between black and white.  Additionally, this is a meek title which goes with the black theme, because black is a depressing colour, which represents death.  'The End' also connotes death.

Planning - Audience Theories