Saturday 11 December 2010

Production - Ancillary 1, CD Case

Front Cover

The words 'The Scientist' and 'Coldplay' are displayed in medium-sized white and grey writing.  These colours were used because they are simple and neutral, reflecting the alternative genre of our song.  Grey and white also contrast the black background; this continues with the theme used on our magazine advert.  All of the colours used are black, white, grey and brown, reflecting the negative attitude portrayed in our video.

We used an image from our music video of our main character alone and isolated, playing the piano.  This was a relevant image to choose because loneliness, isolation and vulnerability were key themes in our video.


The spine of our CD case also continues with the black, white and grey theme that exists within both our ancillary texts; as I have mentioned, we feel this colour-scheme reflects our genre of music video.  A more hip-hop or pop style of song would suit bright, vibrant colours; however, the alternative genre is more portrayed by neutral colours.  Additionally, there is a deliberate element of 'dullness' - this is to convey the negativity and depression that is present within 'The Scientist'.

The spine has been kept very simple because its purpose is to tell the audience the name of album/single and the artist; no other detail is essential.  This is a way in which our CD case uses conventions of real media products.

Inside Front Cover

The inside front cover of our CD case displays lyrics from 'The Scientist'.  Many singles/albums have used this idea on their inside covers.  This is a way in which our CD case uses conventions of real media products.  Also, the lyrics of the song we have used are meaningful, and our music video follows the story which the song is trying to show.  George's girlfriend is dead, and he regrets that he never spent enough time with her.

We have, again, continued with the black and white theme, creating a sense of branding throughout our products.  The binary oppositions of black and white add to a sense of negativity, building upon what is already there in our music video.  Again, I will mention that the black and white reflects the alternative genre of music.

Inside Back Cover

We have edited an image from our music video, by formatting the colour to 'washout'.  This was effective as it allowed us to continue our theme of black, white and grey - adding to the negativity already portrayed and also displayed within our music video.  The text is in black to contrast the greyscale image.  The use of an image from our video creates branding because our CD case and main product are linked.

We noticed that real media products often displayed band members' names on the back inside cover, and we used this convention within our CD case.  We also added a couple of acknowledgements to the inside back cover as thanks to those who lended us equipment or locations to film in.

Back Cover

On the back cover of our CD case, we have included our 'CJME Productions' logo - this is also displayed on our magazine advertisement, which helps to create a sense of branding.  It also shows the audience about our company and will help us to sell other media products in the future.  The red colouring is utilised because it stands out from the black, white, grey and brown which have been used the through this ancillary text.
An image from our music video has been used which adds to the effect of loneliness and vulnerability as our main character is lost in a sea of darkness.  This is the effect we were aiming for because our music video is supposed to reflect negativity and depression.

Final Copy

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