Friday 10 December 2010

Production - Ancillary 2, Magazine Advert

Creation Process

"The End is Near" (the magazine article which we conducted our semiotic analysis on) gave us inspiration for the black background.

Black represents depression and grief; these are key elements within our music video.  George's girlfriend has recently passed away, and therefore both of these emotions are present.

White writing will conflict the black background: black and white are binary oppositions, which is the audience theory proposed by Claude Levi-Strauss.  Examples of these within our music video are: real time vs. flashbacks, colour vs. desaturation, and life vs. death.

"The Scientist" is centre aligned in order to draw the audience's attention towards it immediately.  The two words are, perhaps, the most important on the whole advert, as it is telling the audience what they are buying.

The writing is in white.  As I have mentioned above, black and white are binary oppositions and create the contrast that we were aiming to achieve.

"The Scientist" writing has been slightly blurred to impose an element of confusion and mystery.  This same confusion is continued in our music video; time and space is distorted through the use of flashbacks.

"CJME Productions" has been added to the bottom right-hand corner of the magazine advertisment.  This is the name of our production team, as it is the intials of our groups: Charlotte, Josh, Mica and Emma.

Red is the colour used because it is eye-catching and will stand out from the rest of the article.  It needs to stand out because companies need to promote themselves.

"CJME" is edited to -6 in terms of letter spacing.  This is because it is our personal logo and we wanted to be slightly unique instead of using standard 0 letter spacing.

As can be seen from the text that has been added, the CD will be out on 10th January 2011.

We decided to add a date when the CD was being released to the advertisement in order to add to the verismilitude of this ancillary text because it makes it more realistic.  Most CD adverts display the date which it is coming out to increase their sales, and we have used this media form in our ancillary text.

This text was displayed in white to contrast the black background; this also continues with the binary oppositions of black and white.  This theme is also conveyed within our CD cover, contributing to a sense of branding.

Final Product

A picture of our CD front cover has been added to the magazine advertisement.  This contributes to a sense of branding, as all of our products are linked together strongly and there will be a resemblance between the two.  This will help with the consumption branch of the 'production-distribution-consumption' triangle because, when our audience see our magazine advertisement, there will be association to the CD and they will be more likely to buy it.  Also, if the audience see the advert, they will recognise the CD when they see that.

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